For 60 years, LiLas has watched people swinging their hair come
and go the streets of Roppongi crossing.
We have come to find one answer over the times.

As the most important thing for plants is the earth and its soil,
the most important thing for the hair is the scalp.

Without a healthy scalp, there is no beautiful hair.

>> 詳しくは【ベル・ジュバンス】のページへ。 >> 詳しくは【ベル・ジュバンス】のページへ。

With a history of 50 years, this is a unique
and one-of-a-kind beauty regimen, created by the Japanese.

Lilas's Recommend

ビューティサロンリラ 03-3401-5710
営業時間:平日 10:30〜19:30 / 土・日・祝日 10:30〜18:30
定休日 :毎週火曜日 / 第1・3月曜日
 * 時間外のご予約もご相談承ります。

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